There are lots of brief English reports introducing taishokoto and its history.  However, we cannot find any comprehensive reports written in English.  As you read this report you may encounter confusing views and opinions but we thought they were worth mentioning.  We hope that this report will help people interested in the history of taishokoto gain lots of information about the instrument and many people become lovers of the taishokoto.    

This report is based on materials we gathered in order to hold an (#1.&2.)exhibition titled "Nagoya Ohsu and Taishokoto" at NHK Nagoya broadcasting center building in April 2010 in Japan and added more information we got after that.  This exhibition was displayed to inform viewers of the 100th Anniversary of the Taishokoto Invention and of Kinshuukai’s 30th Anniversary concert which was held for two days during exhibition.  Simultaneously the display also featured the 400th Anniversary of the establishment of Nagoya City.  Many private schools called "Ryu or Kai" of taishokoto celebrated the Taishokoto Inventions 100th Anniversary from 2011 through 2012 all over Japan.

This report contains information about a taishokoto instrument. It covers its structure and musical features.  A reader will also be able to retrieve specific informational facts from the "Frequently Asked Taishokoto Questions" section.  Besides the information, readers will be able to see interesting photos related to the topics discussed.

The primary purpose of this report is to inform readers of the taishokoto instrument and Kinshuukai’s such efforts to enhance interest and promote the spirit of  "Lifelong Learning" among our aging society.

Kazuhisa Imaizumi
Director & Chief of
Reseach Section
Lyrist Co.,Ltd


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#1.&2.  Taishokoto exhibition in 2010