2. What’s a TAISHOKOTO?

3. Historical Development Of the Taishokoto

4. Nagoya City and Ohsu Town
 ・First Historical Fact: The origin of Nagoya and Ohsu-Kannon temple
 ・Second Historical Fact:  Nagoya the technical wood working city.
 ・ Third Historical Fact: What was the Environment of Ohsu town like in the Edo and Meiji era?

5. Establishment of the "Taishokoto Association Incorporated" and Kinshuukai  Organization


 A. What else about the taishokoto inventor?
 B. What was Mr. Morita’s travel like before and after his trips?

  Did he sell Min-teki or Yo-kin before his trip?

 C. What ignited the taishokoto idea?
 D. What’s the significance of the Selling Date?
 E. What was the original taishokoto like?
 F. Why was there a name change?
 G. What was the taishokoto sales and growth like?
 G-1. What type of wood was used for taishokotos in the Taisho era?
 H. Why did the taishokoto become so popular?
How did World Events affect the Taishokoto development?
 I-1. What was the taishokoto revival and spread like?
 J. Did illustrated taishokoto’s entice the foreign markets?
 J-1. Are there taishokotos in other countries ?
 J-2. How were taishokoto companies doing in the beginning of 2000’s? What should they do from now on?

 J-3. Is Taishokoto an international musical instrument?


8. Permission, Source, Reference

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